Zadanie w załączniku!
Lifespan: 60-70 years
Age: 37 years old
Weight: 7,000 kg
Length: 7,5 metres
: Population: 1,3 million
Characteristics: intelligent,
sensitive, wild, sociable,
friendly, with a good memory
Lifespan: 80-100 years
Age: 10 years old
Weight: 500 kg
Length: 6,2 metres
Population: 300,000
Characteristics: aggressive,
fast, unfriendly, wild, lonely, a
good swimmer
Lifespan: 25-30 years
Age: 18 years old
Weight: 250 kg
Length: 2 metres
Population: 21,000
Characteristics: adventurous,
fast, wild, proud, a good hunter,
Comparative Superlative
(big) of the three.
a) Lions have a
(short) lifespan than a) The elephant is
b) The lion is
b) Elephants live
(long) than lions.
c) The elephant is
c) Lions are
(rare) than Elephants
d) The crocodile is
d) Crocodiles are
(aggressive) than
e) The elephant is
e) Elephants are
1) The lion is
(intelligent) than
g) The elephant is
Lions are
(good) hunters than crocodiles. h) The crocodile in the picture is
g) Elephants are
(strong) than lions i) The crocodile has
h) The elephant in the picture is
(old) 1) The lion has
than the lion
k) The lion is
1) The crocodile in the picture is
(young) 1) The lion is
than the elephant
m) The elephant is
D) The crocodile is
(heavy) than the lion
n) The crocodile has
k) The elephant is
(sociable) than the o) The lion has
p) The elephant is
1) The crocodile has a
bad) memory than
9) The elephant has
the elephant
m) Elephants have a
memory than crocodiles.
(long) lifespan
short) lifespan
(good) hunter.
(bad) hunter
(strong) jaw
) population
good) memory
![Zadanie W Załączniku ELEPHANTLifespan 6070 YearsAge 37 Years OldWeight 7000 KgLength 75 Metres Population 13 MillionCharacteristics Intelligentsensitive Wild So class=](