Zadanie 4
Uzupełnij minidialogi I–III. Zaznacz literę A, B albo C

I. X: How about going shopping together?
Y: ____________________________
A. I’d like to very much but I have my drama classes.
B. I could do it because they’re my drama classes.
C. I have to tell you when I have my drama classes.
II. X: _________________________________
Y: We are going to do a project.
A. What are they doing right now?
B. What would you do in such a situation?
C. What are your plans for tomorrow?
III. X: What is your best friend like?
Y: _________________________________
A. Handsome and really good-looking.
B. Friendly, but sometimes shy.
C. Medium height and well-built

Odpowiedź :


1. A

2. C

3. B

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