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Hi Chanyeol

How are you? I'm not doing too well. I feel very bad because I am sick probably it is tonsillitis, I have a headache and quite a lot of vomiting and I can hardly speak. It was cold yesterday and I was eating ice cream and that's probably what made me sick. My mom was mad at me because she told me many times not to eat ice cream in the cold but I didn't listen to her. I also wanted to tell you that we have to cancel our meeting, I know it was supposed to be fun because I already planned everything for us, we were supposed to ride bikes, go to a festival that was in my city but unfortunately we have to cancel it, I'm so sorry. i hope we can get together.


Hi Matt, I have bad news. I'm ill.

Since yesterday I have fever and cough. I probably got sick because when I was returning from the concert it started to rain and I wasn't dressed warm enough.

My mom was really bad because she worried about me.

Unfortunately I mustn't go out from bed for some days so we can't meet tomorrow and play fotball.

I will tell you more soon ,

Take care,
