Kornelmiezin916viz Kornelmiezin916viz Język angielski Rozwiązane Pomoże ktoś proszę Uzupełnij zdania, tak aby wyrazić żal, że czegoś nie robisz/nie zrobiłaś 1 I didn’t double check my answers in the test, and I regret it. I wish __________________________ my answers in the test. 2 I had an argument with my friend, and I regret it. I wish __________________________ an argument with my friend. 3 I never book tickets for the festivals, and then I regret it. I wish __________________________ tickets for the festivals. 4 I bought this top yesterday but I don’t like it now. I wish __________________________ this top yesterday. 5 I hardly ever do any sports and I'm completely out of shape I wish __________________________ I would be much fitter.