Odpowiedź na pytania w 3 zdaniach po angielsku.

Odpowiedź Na Pytania W 3 Zdaniach Po Angielsku class=

Odpowiedź :

1. I don't think I'm a sporty person, beacuse I'm too weak. I'm getting tired faster than other people after running 100 meters. Also I find sport boring.

2. I can't stand watching sport, beacuse I don't see any sense with it. I don't understand people that screams next to TV when their team wins or loose. However, I enjoy watching e-sport, I can relate to the game, cause I know the rules and I think I am a gamer too.

3. I think TV version is better. You're watching sport in your home, where are people that you know, you don't have to fight for a seat with unknown guy for example. Also, beacuse of pandemic, there is no other way.

4. Yes, they have. I think, they didn't won, that's what I heard. I don't care about that.