2 ** Choose the correct options to complete A This shop is 'too/really awesome. B Yeah, but only for window-shopping. Look at that hoodie – it's a bit / very nice, but it's quite / too expensive A Wow! That price is ridiculous! 5 A This jacket is really / a bit cool! I'm going to try it on. What do you think? B It's too / so big for you. Try a smaller size ... That looks better. How does it feel? A It's extremely / a bit small. It doesn't feel right. I'll leave it. CAFÉ A l'm 'very / really starving. B Me too. There's a café over there. A It's Sextremely / quite packed. Let's try somewhere 9a bit / very quieter. B How about Bellagio's? It isn't ºvery / quite far. A OK. The food's ''very / a bit nice, and it's quite / too cheap