Wybierz słowa, które poprawnie uzupełniają zdania.

The man was [ arrested / sentenced / fined ] by the police

after a long investigation. In court, the twelve members of

the [ accused / judge / jury ] listened carefully to lawyers for

the defence and the [ prosecution / accused / suspect ] as

well as from the [ witness / alibi / victim ] of the crime. They

quickly decided that he was [ accused / guilty / innocent ]

and the [ police / lawyer / judge ] sentenced him to five

years in prison.


Odpowiedź :



  1. The man was arrested.
  • After a long investigation. In court, the twelve members of the jury listened carefully to the lawyers for the defence and the prosecution, as well as from the victim of the crime. They quickly decided that he was guilty and the judge sentenced him to five years in prison.


  • Arrested - Aresztowany
  • Jury - Sąd przysięgłych
  • Prosecution - Oskarżenie
  • Victim - Ofiara
  • Guilty - Winny
  • Judge - Sędzia

Miłego dnia - Shi :)


  1. Arrested  
  2. Jury  
  3. Prosecution  
  4. Victim  
  5. Guilty  
  6. Judge
