Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki 1-5, wybierając właściwą z podanych odpowledzi. Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A, B albo C) obok numeru każdej lukl. Hi Paul, Thanks for your email. I can't believe your sister is an astronaut! My sister, Rachel, 1. her living as a businesswoman. Her office is in the city centre, but she also works at 2. She is clever and hard-working. It's a well-paid job, but she 3. have a lot of free 4. 1 want to be a 5. one day. What do you want to be? Write back, Car 1. A. wins 2. A. home 3. A. hasn't 4. A. hours 5. A. sing B. has B. house B. doesn't B. clock B. singer C. earns C. flat C. isn't C. time C. song Szybko