EXAM TASK Przeczytaj tekst. Spośród
podanych wyrazów wybierz właściwe,
poprawne pod względem gramatycznym
i leksykalnym uzupełnienie luk (1-3).
Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A-F) obok
numeru luki. Trzy wyrazy zostały
podane dodatkowo.
A protect
B do
C extinct
D recycle
E endangered
F make
The giant panda has become an 1). E.........
species. This is because people have cut
down the forests they live in. But with your
help, we can 2) .............. a difference. WWF
needs people like you to help plant trees in
China. This will provide pandas with extra
space to live and food to eat. Unless we
3) ................. them, they won't survive.
Workbook p. 62 11​

Odpowiedź :


The giant panda has become an endangered species. This is because people have cut down the forests they live in. But with your help, we can make a difference. WWF needs people like you to help plant trees in China. This will provide pandas with extra space to live and food to eat. Unless we protect them, they won't survive.



1. Endangered

2. Make

3. Protect

Miłego wieczoru - Shi :J