2. Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane. My brother and I are twins, but we've got very different interests. I'm good with my hands, so I'm in the school arts and 1 c. club. I'm also good at drawing, so, one day, I'd like to do a college degree in 2 g - design. My brother is into technology. He's doing a course in 3 c __, so he can write computer programmes in the future. He's also planning to study 4r in order to learn how to design robots. He's going to 5 s. up for a web design course next month. One thing we've got in common is that we both like helping people, so, at weekends, we do some 6 v work at a local hospital. PROSZĘ O SZYBKĄ POMOC