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twoje ulubione danie. We
wpisie - napisz jakie składniki
są potrzebne żeby
przygotować to danie
wyjaśnij jak je przyrządzić
poproś czytelników O
podzielenie się przepisami na
ich ulubione dania limit słów

Odpowiedź :

Recipe for dango

Ingredients for the gough:

-a glass of rice flour

-1/3 glass of water

Ingredients for the sauce:

-1/2 glass of water

-1/4 glass of sugar

-2 tablespoons of soy sauce

-1 tablespoon of mirin

-1 tablespoon of potato flour

How to prepare, dough:

Put flour into a bowl and gradually add water. Mix ingredients slowly.

Form dough balls and throw them into the boiling water. Cook until balls come out. Wait for the dough to cool down and then stick it on long toothpick.

How to prepare the sauce:

Pour all ingredients into a pot except the potato flour. Boil the ingredients in a pot and then add the potato flour.

When the couce has cooled down a little pour it over the dango.

Now you ca eat the dish ^^

I hope you like my post. If you have any interesting recipes, feel free to share them here!

mam nadzieje że dobże =)