Uzupełnij zdania twierdzące , przeczące i pytające formami will i won’t.
1 One day, humans ___________________ live on another planet.
2 Soon everyone ___________________ use self-driving cars.
3 Life in space ___________________ be easy.
4 Humans ___________________ build buildings in space.
5 ? How old ___________________ you be next April?
Dopasuj zdania 1–5 do zdań A–E.
1 We haven’t got any bread.
2 I can’t do this exercise.
3 Your coat is on the floor!
4 Where is your homework?
5 I’m really nervous about the test tomorrow.
A I’ll help you.
B Sorry. I won’t leave it there again.
C It’s at home. I’m sorry, I’ll bring it tomorrow.
D Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.
E I’ll buy some.