Napisz mail do przyjaciela z USA, w którym:
-zapytasz jak się ma i przypomnisz kiedy i gdzie ostatnio się widzieliście,
-opowiesz co nowego u Ciebie i Twoich znajomych,
-przedstawisz swoje plany na wakacje,
-zaprosisz ją/jego do siebie i zaproponujesz wspólny sposób spędzania czasu.

Odpowiedź :


Hi ,

How are you ? Do you remember our last meeting ? We were ice cream together in Central Park and then we got around all of New York. You were right that NYC is realy beautiful.

It was great , we have to do it again !

I have to tell you what we do with my friends. We've been making a bonfire by the lake a lot lately, it's great !!

It's great for me .

This year I am going to Hawaii to my grandmother on vacation. It's a very beautiful island with an amazing atmosphere! I'll be there for a month. I'm going to surf and have a great time. It's never boring there. Maybe now you can come  to me and we'll fly there together? I'll teach you to surf and look after the turtles. :))

Think about it :)

Bye !