Proszę, pomoże mi ktoś to napisać ? ❣️
Daję najj

Proszę Pomoże Mi Ktoś To Napisać Daję Najj class=

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In my country school holidays are 2 months long

We have school holidays to take a break from learning and new topics

In holidays i usually go out with my friends but sometimes i just stay in home

They didn't created any problems for me

I would like longer holidays cause 10 months for school is definietly too long


Many people think that school holidays shold be shorter. In my opinion they shouldn't because firstly its wonderful to have two whole months free from school, secondly i really dont enjoy going to school especially for 10 months and finnaly they would really regret saying that holidays should be shorter because if the made holidays shorter it would be awful for them. All in all holidays shouldnt be shorter.


i have all of these ;)
