In your notebook write an email to a friend.Ask him/her to look after your pet

Dam naj <3

Odpowiedź :


Hi ( imię przyjaciela ) ! How are you , everything okay ? Im writing to you with a favour. Next week im flying to france for a week , and i cant take my dog with me. I can't find anyone to take care of (him/her) and I can't let (him/her) stay without supervision. Could you please take care of ( imię zwierzaka ) for me ? All you would need to do is feed (him/her) , let (him/her) outside into the garden , and brush (him/her). If you would like , I'd be happy to pay you. Please , your my last hope !

Yours truly , ( twoje imię )


Zależy jakie masz zwierzę , bo jak masz rybę bo raczej się jej nie wypuści na zewnątrz xD. To co napisałam jest do psa :)