Zadanie w załączniku. Dam naj

Przykładowa odpowiedź:
1. I believe, that ,,Milionerzy'' is the most popular TV game show in Poland, because it's very interesting game. It rely on giving answer for the 15 questions. If your answer is good, you receive money, but If it's not, you lose the game. If it comes to me, and my opinion about such TV shows, I think, that games like, that are interesting way to spend leasure time, and just chill out, after exhausting day at work or at school, so yes, I watch them.
2. In my opinion Ms. Karolina Pajączkowska is the most popular TV host in Poland, cause I see her, every time I watch TV, after the dinner, and I think that her occupation is briliant, and she's goin' very well!
Happy Easter!