Zad. 1
1. Where is this island?
- It is located in the Pacific Ocean
2. What continent is it on?
- It is located in the continent of South America
3. How to get there?
- You need to use ship to get here.
4. How many heads are there?
- There are about a thousand heads there.
5. Do these heads really have bodies?
- They only have the torso
6. Why are they mystery?
- Because they are ( Nie wiem co tutaj napisać )
7. Why aren’t there any trees?
- Some people say it is the fault of the catastrophe, others say it is the fault of the people clearing the forests.
Zad. 2
I would like to see this island!
It's very misterious, so I would like to see it with my own eyes.
I would like to touch the misterious Heads, and feel the atmosphere of this place