Use of English
6 Przeczytaj opis ilustracji. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (1-4) jednym wyrazem, tak aby powstał tekst zgodny
z ilustracją. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie.
This photograph was!... at a football
match. On the left, we can see players from
the red team and blue team. On the right,
we can see the...
who's wearing
black. I think a red player has just
a goal. We...
see the supporters in
the photo, but they're probably sitting or
standing in the stadium. 3 KROPIKI TAM MAM WSTAWIC WYRAZ​

Odpowiedź :


This photograph was!..TAKEN. at a football

match. On the left, we can see players from

the red team and blue team. On the right,

we can see the...REFEREE

who's wearing

black. I think a red player has just SCORED

a goal. We...CAN'T

see the supporters in

the photo, but they're probably sitting or

standing in the stadium.
