zadanie Do wyrazów 1-7 dopasuj definicje a-g. Proszę zapisać np. 1a.
1 evil
2 mutated
3 scientific
4 leader
5 throne
6 scheming
7 side by side
a together with
b the most important person in the group
c something that is really bad
d planning something bad
e king’s or queen’s chair
f changed in form or nature
g based on science
2. Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj do poszczególnych części poniższe akapity. Jeden akapit poadany jest dodatkowo (zapisujecie odpwiedź np. 1a
a It’s not always black and white
b From bookshelves to big screen
c The couple that started it all
d Avengers grab the world’s attention
e Two kinds of heroes