Napisz dialog
W mojej klasie jest nowa uczennica która słabo mówi po polsku. Mam udzielić jej potrzebnych informacji o naszej szkole. Poniżej podaję potrzebne kwestie
1. Ważne osoby: The most important person in our school/class is....
2. Zajęcia pozalekcyjne: There are some clubs you can go to in our school, for example...
3. Miejsca w szkole: In this part of the building there are.... We also have a....
4. Łatwiejsze i trudniejsze przedmioty: The most/least difficult subjects is... because....

Odpowiedź :

- Who is the most important person in class?

-Teacher is the most important.

- Are there some clubs, where I can do some sports?

- Yeah! We have a sport club!

- Are there other buildings in this school?

- No, but we have a swimming pool!

- Which subject is the hardest?

- Maths, because we have hard exercises

Mam nadzieje że pomogłem :)



A) Hey! What's your name?

B) Hello, my name is Gosia and I'm from Ukraine.

A) Wow, that's great, I'll show you around.

B) Ok.

A) The most important person in our class is our educator, Mrs. Anna. She's friendly but very annoying sometimes.

B) Alright.

A) There are some clubs in our school, for example a chess club. The teacher explains everything well and the classes are exciting.

B) Wow, that's amazing!

A) In this part of the building we have our school canteen where you can eat. We also have a gym right next to it, It's huge!

B) That's great, I like it a lot.

A) Oh, I almost forgot the most difficult lessons are maths because the work is complicated and the teacher gets mad easily. But we have great english teacher that helps us with everything we don't understand.

B) I already love this school!

A) Let's go, I'll show you our class.

B) Alright.


A - Uczennica która oprowadza Gosię

B - Nowa uczennica o imieniu Gosia.

Poziom: Klasa 6 szkoła podstawowa.

Pozdrawiam - Antek :D