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Dogtrekking Club
What is dogtrekking? Dogtrekking is a great way of spending time in the open air with your dog. It's a fast walk with your dog, not in the city or the park but in a forest or mountain area. A dogtrekking walk is betoween 10 km and 50 km long.
What do I need to start dogtrekking? You need a special dog lead which you put around your body like a belt.
When can I do dogtrekking? Dogtrekking meetings take place once a month. Follow us on social media for dalej and times. ------------------------------------------------- Dogtrekking WITH AMNESIA INSTRUCTOR 24th April
Price: £5/person £2 to rent an elastic dog lead . Group size: 2-20 . Time and place: We meet at Castle Lake car park at 1 p.m. We set off at 1.30 p.m . Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes . Bring with you: comfortable shoes & a bottle of water