Hello! Hi, do we know each other? yes you don't remember me well not too much. and when was the last time you saw me and where? we saw you last week in the park remember? aaa yeah I remember. how did you like our 1st meeting? it was so cool, I liked it very much :). this girl's character was great! she was nice, polite, and friendly. I liked her very much. we even have common interests together: drawing, biking, mountain hiking, and playing basketball. hi. Hi. would you like to meet during the holidays? sure why not and what would we do? I already have a plan! we can go climbing and then ice cream and finally play some games together, what do you say? great idea what day are we meeting? maybe on Saturday? Unfortunately, on Saturday I can't because I'm going to town with my dad. it's a pity maybe on Thursday? It fits. bye see you later. bye
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