Przeczytaj poniższe zdania i napisz T jeśli zdanie jest prawdziwe lub F jeśli jest fałszywe.
1. Colory, Look and pumpkin are Vegetables.
2. Cherrles are blue.
3. Veal and herring are both types of fish.
4. A kitchen hand is a person who helps the cook.
5. Watermelons and tangerines are fruit.
6. Thyme is not a herb.

Odpowiedź :


1. Colory, Look and pumpkin are Vegetables. F

2. Cherrles are blue. F

3. Veal and herring are both types of fish. F

4. A kitchen hand is a person who helps the cook. T

5. Watermelons and tangerines are fruit. T

6. Thyme is not a herb. F


1. color (kolor) look (wygląd) pumpkin (dynia) Only pumpkin is a vegetable.

2. Cherries are red.

3. Veal ( cielęcina) herring ( śledź)

4. kitchen hand (pomoc kuchenna). They assist cooks and chefs in preparing and storing food.

5. watermelons (arbuz) tangerines (mandarynki)

6. Thyme (tymianek jest ziołem)