2) Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English, Use the phrases from exercise 1. Make any necessary changes. 1 This language school (jest daleko od jej domu). But Katie loves the lessons, so she doesn't mind. 2 So you don't know anyone there - but (pomyśl o pozytywach) of this - you'll make new friends. 3 Our school debate league (wygrała kilka nagród) last year. 4 One of the most important things in life is to (robić to, co jest Twoją pasją). 5 H you want to (sprawić, by Twoje marzenia stały się rzeczywistością), you have to go out and fight for them. 6 Before the play, (ćwiczylem tekst swojej roli) every day for weeks. 7 I applied to New York University and I just got an email saying that (przyjęli mnie) 8 Her personal problems (sprawiły, że stala się jeszcze lepszą aktorką) because she understood what the characters were going through.