They order a lot of pizzas. (Oni zamawiają dużo pizzy.)

Present Simple:

Past Simple:

Present Perfect:


They eat a lot of bread. (Oni jedzą dużo chleba.)

Present Simple:

Past Simple:

Present Perfect:


They buy those phones at the Apple store. (Oni kupują te telefony w sklepie Apple.)

Present Simple:

Past Simple:

Present Perfect:


Odpowiedź :


Present Simple: They order A lot of pizzas

Past Simple: They ordered A lot of pizzas

Present Perfect: They have ordered A lot of pizzas

Future(will): They'll order A lot of pizzas

Present Simple: They eat a lot of bread.

Past Simple: They ate A lot of bread

Present Perfect: They have eaten A lot of bread

Future(will): They'll eat A lot of bread

Present Simple: They buy those phones at the Apple store.

Past Simple: They bought those phones at the Apple store.

Present Perfect: They have bought those phones at the Apple store.

Future(will): They'll buy those phones at the Apple store.