proszę o pomoc to jest na jutroooo proszeee daje naj ​

Proszę O Pomoc To Jest Na Jutroooo Proszeee Daje Naj class=

Odpowiedź :


s - sklep

m - miejsce

cyfra oznacza wiersz poziomo od góry lub kolumnę pionowo od lewej plus opis co można robić lub kupić

zaczynamy poziomo od góry

m 1 post office, You can send a letter there.

m 2 bank, You can withdraw money from bank.

s 6 market ,You can do shopping there.

m 7 library, You can borrow books from library.

m 9 garage, You can repair your car there.

s 10 pharmacy, You can buy some medicine there.

s 11 Baker's, You can buy bread there.

pionowo od lewej

s 1 sports shop, You can buy a ball there.

s 7 grocer's You can buy fruit and vegetables there.

s 9 flower shop, You can buy flowers there.

s 10 newsagent's, You can buy a newspaper there.

s 11 shoe shop, You can buy shoes there.