Znajdź błędy i napisz poprawne zdania. Użyj
czasu present continuous lub formy be going to.
1 The roads are really busy. We are missing the
The roads are really busy. We're going to
miss the train.
2 Look at those dark clouds. It's raining this
3 I'm buying some ham sandwiches for lunch.
4 Miles comes to our house for dinner this
5 We aren't visiting museums on holiday
next week
6 Jeff's finding work in a shop over the summer

Odpowiedź :


1.The roads are really crowded. We are missing the train.

2. Look at these dark clouds. It's going to rain this afternoon.

3. I'm buying some ham sandwiches for lunch.-to jest akurat dobrze.

4.  Miles is coming to our house tonight for dinner.

5. we are not going to visit the museum on holiday next week.

6. Jeff is looking for a job in the store over the summer



Nie ma wyjaśnienia i nei wiem czy dobrze ¯\_(ツ)_/¯