Uzupełnij luki zgodnie z treścią zdań wyjściowych. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 5 wyrazów wliczając w to wyraz już podany:

This bread is too stale. ENOUGH
This bread ___________

I haven’t got any milk in the fridge. NO
There _____ in the fridge.

You haven’t got much food for vegetarians here. LITTLE
There _____ for vegetarians here.

I can’t buy this bike because I haven’t got enough money. TOO
I’ve got ______ to buy this bike.

We’ve run out of milk. ANY
There ________ left.

There are not many dishes on the menu. FEW
There _______ dishes on the menu.

Let me tell you what I think you should do. ADVICE
Let me ______