pls pomożcie

W tym zadaniu musisz stworzyć przeczenia, czyli do odmienionego „być” w przeszłości (was/were) dodać przeczenie "NOT" (wasn't/weren't). Końcówka „-ing” w czasownikach jest już wpisana.

PRZYKŁAD: Susie was washing up when he came home. - Susie WASN'T washing up when he came home.


The girl next door was listening to music all night.

At this time last year I was doing my exams.

Betty was shopping when she lost her keys.

Mary and Tom were watching TV together.

Ted was working at five o'clock.

My parents were celebrating their wedding anniversary yesterday.

Mike was dancing all night.

We were flying over the Atlantic yesterday morning.

My friends were travelling for a few weeks.

I was thinking about my future yesterday.