Pomoże ktoś w napisaniu e-maila?

Hi Hannah!
I'm so sorry I did no write, because I was on vacation! I was in the big restaurant where I was ponsioned. The restaurant was strange and cozy. When i felt bad we went to the doctor. I found out I was poisoned. The restaurant manager behaved horribly! He told us to leave the restaurant. We will never go back there again. That's all, see you!
Greetings from (twoje imie).
Hi Sofia!
Sorry I didn't write back sooner, but unfortunately I had food poisoning and didn't feel very well.
While I was visiting Warsaw recently, I got hungry and went to a restaurant to eat. The restaurant is called Renoma. It was completely empty, but my stomach was already making some strange sounds so I decided to eat something. I ordered a main course that included meat, sauces, salads, and potato pyre. When I started eating them, something was wrong.
I immediately felt sick. He started taking me vomiting. I didn't know what was happening. A waitress approached me when she saw that I was vomiting on my plate. She asked what happened, I told her it was because of the food she served me.
Unfortunately the waitress started acting informally towards me. She started screaming at me and resenting me. And her manager jumped out to me with his hands. I left there because I wasn't going to argue with her.
In conclusion, I hope that I will never come across such a messy restaurant again. It was the worst day.
However, I hope you did this week. Let me know what and how with you.
Until later!