Utwórz pytania typu - czy (general questions) do podanych zdań.
1.My family will probably sell this house and rent a smaller one.
2. She will sing in the opera one day.
3. My brothers will start taking private English lessons next Saturday.
4. Their grandchildren will study law in the USA.
5. My aunt will make a speech at the conference in California.
6. I will take a nap.
7.He will give his sister a lift to work.
8.We will take a photograph of you and Mark!
9. My neighbours will make a lot of noise at the party.
10. Gina will have breakfast in five minutes.

Ułóż pytania konkretne, tak żeby odpowiedzią był wyraz z dużych liter (typu -why/what etc.)
1. The company will TAKE ACTION soon.
2. YOUR FATHER will have an operation in 2005.
3. My colleagues will give me A PRESENT for my birthday.
4. TINA will not make the same mistake again.
5. My daughter will take her exams NEXT MONTH.
6. The mother will feed THE BABY in a second.
7. Her close friends will prepare A HEN PARTY for her.
9. The secretary will fix the price TOMORROW.
10. The match will start AT 5 O'CLOCK SHARP