Przetłumacz wyrazy w nawiasach:
22. John told me he (nigdy nie widział) that man before.
23. They told him they (pamiętaja) exactly what he (powiedział).
24. Peter has just told us he (jest) ready to go.
25. Mark thought that she (jedzie) to London on Sunday.
26. I told the doctor that I (pale) 20 cigarettes a day,
27. I knew it (był) his mistake.
28. She explained that she (chciała) to come the following week.
Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w odpowiedniej formie:

29. Marcy days that she (learn) English now
30. He said it (be) windy the day before.
31. He told us she (think) about it the following week.
32. He said that he (not,sée) them since Monday.
33. Mike said he (be) Irish, not English.
34. She said she (be) busy lately.
35. John thinks I (know) Mr Wilson for a long time.