Na teraz język angielski klasa 6.Daje naj​ Czas do 18.00

PomocyNa Teraz Język Angielski Klasa 6Daje Naj Czas Do 1800 class=

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Good health is very importand for us, but what can you do to be healthy and strong ? I' ll tell  you ( to ostatnie zdanie opcjonalnie bo nie wiem czy w 6 klasie mieliście już ten czas )

You should eat healthy and do sport. You can ride a bike or run in the park.

and eat fruits and vegetables

You shouldn't sit in front of TV all day and eat unhealthy food for example chips and cola.

You need to exercise because you may be overweight if you don't exercise

You can  do simple exercises such as push-ups

You should practice PE
