Zad. 2 Połącz początek i koniec zdania tak, aby zdanie było logiczne. Za kropkami w zdaniach 1-7 wpisz właściwą literę A - G. PRZYKŁAD: I always listen...... H 1. We're reading...... 2. My friend checks 3. My dad downloads. 4. I like sending ..... 5. My mum's phone doesn't take 6. Some friends and I made ...... 7. After school I often surf......
A. a good novel in english this term. B. the internet for hours. C. emails in class and the teacher gets angry with her. D. a video clip and put it on YouTube. E. files regularly for his work. F. instant messages because it's quick. G. photos because it's really old. H. to music when I'm travelling. 17