3. Translate sentences below:

Use Reporting Verbs

1. Kolega nalegał żebym został i pograł z nimi i przez to spóźniłem się o godzinę do domu.
2. Jestem uziemiony od kilku dni, przez to feralne spóźnienie , tłumaczyłem się mamie, ale nie uwierzyła.
3. Przepraszam za moje spóźnienie, ale to nie pomogło bo mama się martwiłą , a ja nie odbierałem telefonu.
4. Nauczycielka ostrzegała nas przed ściąganiem, kilku z nas spróbowało i to nie był mądry ruch.
5. Ona jest chyba wiedźmą, rozgryzła wszystkich którzy ściągali i nie zdali oni kartkówki.
6. Kiedy jestem przeziębiony to proszę o otworzenie okna, dziwne, ale lepiej się czuję dzięki temu.
7. Tomasz kolęda był oskarżony o popełnienie przestępstwa, a wiadomo było że był niewinny.
8. Zabroniłem Koko śpiewania psich piosenek w moim pokoju podczas moich lekcji.
9. Ona obiecała wysłać wyniki do jutra, ale zdam i tak więc może nawet i za tydzień.
10. Jakiś koleś groził nam że nas zniszczy w kolejnej potyczce i hojrak przegrał z kretesem i stracił większość sprzętów, bo jeszcze go okradliśmy.

Odpowiedź :

1. A friend insisted that I stay and play with them and that is why I was an hour late for home.
2. I have been grounded for several days, because of this unfortunate delay, I explained to my mother, but she did not believe it.
3. Sorry I'm late but it didn't help because my mom was worried and I wasn't answering the phone.
4. The teacher warned us against cheating, some of us tried it and it wasn't a smart move.
5. She's probably a witch, she figured out everyone who cheated and they didn't pass the card.
6. When I have a cold I ask you to open the window, strange, but it makes me feel better.
7. Tomasz Kolęda was accused of a crime and it was known that he was innocent.
8. I forbade Koko to sing dog songs in my room during my lessons.
9. She promised to send the results by tomorrow, but I will pass anyway, maybe even in a week.
10. Some guy threatened us to destroy us in the next skirmish and the hojrak lost to the point and lost most of the equipment, because we had robbed him yet.


1. A friend insisted that I stay and play with them and i was then late for an hour home.

2. I've been grounded for a few days, so it's a ferocious delay, I explained to my mom, but she didn't believe it.

3rd I apologize for my delay, but it did not help because my mother was worried, and I did not answer the phone.

4. The teacher warned us against downloading, a few of us tried and it was not a wise move.

5th She is probably a witch, chewed all who downloaded and did not take a piece of paper.

6. When I have a cold then please open the window, strange, but I feel better thanks to it.

7. Thomas carol was accused of committing a crime, and it was known that he was innocent.

8. I forbade Koko from singing canine songs in my room during my lessons.

9. She promised to send the results by tomorrow, but I will give and so maybe even in a week.

10th A guy threatened to destroy us in another skirmish and hojrak lost to the cretes and lost most of the equipment, because we still robbed him.