1. Uzupelnij zdania will/wont oraz czasownikiem podanym w nawiasie. 1. I think it (rain). We are going for a waik. 2. He (go) to the concert tonight. He loves music 3. she (win) the next match? 4. We (not have) free time tomorrow. 5. She wasnt at school today, but I think she (be)back tomorrow. (5 pkt) 2.Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą wyrażenia be going to oraz czasownikiem podanym w nawiasie. 1. My parents (buy a new car. 2. he (go) to the cinema this weekend? 3. My friends (not play) basketball next Friday. 4 (play) basketball for the school team. 5. What you (do )at the weekend? (5 pkt) 3.Uzupełnij zadania. Wstaw the, a; an lub pozostaw lukę bez przedimka. 1. There were a lot of clouds on sky yesterday. 2. It was amazing island. 3. She lives in UK 4 He loves Tatra Mountains. 5. Take warm coat when it is cold outside. (5 pkt)