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Dear [imię],

My mom recently bought a new painting. She wasn't planning to buy it, but she saw street artist who was selling his painting to afford painting supplies like brushes and paint. On the painting i can see a really lovely landscape, with blossom trees and an alley in a park. There arent many people there, only 2 kids climbing the trees. I think its really pretty and it matches her bedroom very much.


Odpowiedź: Hello ...... Am writing too tell you that my mom got a new painting. She got it at a store called Artistic home when she saw the painting she feel in love with it. It was a painting of a ocean with a whale it's so realistic! My mom put it above the sofa. I really love the painting too it's beautiful and i feel calm when i look at it

Yours .....

Wyjaśnienie: mam nadzieję że pomogłam :)