Proszę o pomoc to na jutro

Proszę O Pomoc To Na Jutro class=

Odpowiedź :


2. A: What are your favourite games console?

B : Playstation games. Best games console!

A : I think otherwise... For me Wii Games is better than playstation games.

3. A: Which music style is your favourite?

B: Rock! I like listening music of this type.

A: I prefer pop.

4. A:Do you like better cats or dogs?

B: Cats! They're sweetier than dogs. Dogs are dangerous and loudy...

A: I like dogs more.. I know they are loudy and sometimes dangerous, but dogs are friendly and devoted.


Myślę, że udało mi się Tobie pomóc :)


1. -What film types do you prefer, action or cartoons?

-i really like both but i am a huge fan of action films

-Oh cool, me too, what is your favourite one?

-my favourite movie is [tytuł ulubionego filmu akcji], what about you?

-My favourite movie is [tytuł innego filmu akcji]

2. -What games do you prefer, Playstation or Wii?

-Well, its hard for me to say but i think i prefer wii games, because i really like playing mario and just dance, they are really fun to me, what about you?

-I prefer Playstation games, because i rarely even play on my Wii console

3. What is your favourite type of music?

- I really like pop music, i think its really fun to listen to and it calms me down when im feeling anxious, but i also like rock music, how about you?

-I dont think pop music is as good as rock, i think that rock music is much more interesting and concerts are better.

4. Do you prefer cats or dogs?

-I prefer dogs, i think they trully are human's best friends, but ive heard you like cats more, why?

-i just think they are a lot calmer than dogs and im kind of scared od dogs to be honest, because once one of them bit me and i still have a scar that remind me of it.


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