Hello Frank,
I wanted to invite you to stay with me in Poland for a week during summer break.
The best date for me would be July 7th till July 14th because I’m spending time with my family and I can’t meet a different time. If you come, the best way to get to my house, from the airport would probably be by metro. When you come out of the airport you take a left and walk for 5 minutes, then you’ll see the entrance to the metro. Go to the “Kabaty” direction and take 6 stops. When you come out of the metro, take a right, walk for about 7 minutes and you’ll see my house.
I was thinking that on the first day we could go to the mall, we could also watch a movie in the cinema, visit the royal castle or go for a bike ride.
I hope you agree to come and spend time with me in Poland.
I miss you,
(Your name)
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