Napisz list do swojego kolegi/koleżanki (50-100 słów), w którym opowiesz mu/jej o swoim ulubionym czasopiśmie. Podaj:
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jaka jest Twoja ulubiona sekcja
dlaczego lubisz to czasopismo

Hi ……,
How are you? I’m writing to tell you about my favourite magazine.

Odpowiedź :


My personal favorite magazine is beyond fashion by daniel mazzone. They are very bright bold and big magazines, Daniel's magazines always seem to surprise overs. She always seems to find the right people for her absurd ideas! For example my favorite copy was when Beyonce was on one of the magazines, she looked absolutely stunning, even with the colorful and dinamic mess around her!

Fashion magazines aren't for everyone by I personally really enjoy them. How about you? What's your favorite magazine or what type of genre in magazines do you prefer?



Nie wiedziala o jakim dokladnie magazinie napisac wiec wybralam beyond fashion!