Twoj kolega przychodzi do szkoły zmęczony
goyż spedza długie godziny przed
komputerem. Napisz do niego e-mail po angielsku,
w którym
• wyrazisz swoje zaniepokojenie,
przedstawisz skutki takiego spędzania czasu,
• zaproponujesz rozwiązanie problemu.
Limit słów: 50-120.​

Odpowiedź :


Sitting in front of the computer for a long time can make you suffer form various serious diseases. This very dangerous to you well-being and health. I recommended you limit long computer use to one hour a day, instead you can for example go out for walk with friends or on a bike. It will be good for your health, I think it's good advice. See you later


Wydaje mi się, że dobrze napisałam jeśli nie to sorki



How are you? I'm really worried about your health. You seem tired and I think that is because you spend a lot of time using computer.

Let me explain what that can do with you. It reflects badly on your learning quality. Your notes are getting worse and worse because you have no time to learn. Also your eyesight get worse. You often squint your eyes when you read.

I think you should consider these bad effects. Maybe we should start to learn together? We can do it outside while its still warm.

Write me back what do you think about this.

