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Pete's blog
You're reading my blog, so you know I use the
Internet every day. I write emails, I read blogs, I
listen to podcasts, I watch TV programmes, I talk
to my friends, I play games, and I download
music! These things are great. But some people
do everything on the Internet. They only emall or
chat to people online: They don't go out with their
friends and do fun things! That's not good! I talk
to my cousins in New Zealand using a webcam,
but I go out with my friends too.
Some people spend lots of time doing things to
put on the Intemet. They film concerts, parties,
anything. I think it's great that you can see
videos of concerts online, but I've never filmed a
show when I go to a concert I want to enjoy
the music, not film it! It's easy to spend all your
time on your computer, but it's not good for you.
Pete does everything online.
1 He uploads Music.
2 Some of his family live in
New Zealand
3 He likes going out with his friends.
4 He likes filming videos at concerts.
5 He thinks people should spend
more time online.