Potrzebuje pomocy w tym zadaniu będę bardzo wdzięczna jeśli ktoś pomoże
• The Great Storm of 1987 is
without a 0) A the worst storm to
have affected the United Kingdom in living memory. It wasn’t only the damage and destruction caused by the storm itself, which still 1) ....... in people’s minds today, but also how the people responsible for forecasting the weather got things so terribly 2) ....... .
• The night before the storm, the British MET Office informed the public that despite rumours of a hurricane on its 3) ....... towards the country, the following day would just be very windy. It should come then as no 4) ....... that people were furious when many woke up the next morning to excessive damage to property, trees that had been blown down, and no electricity. Many people were severely injured and some even 5) ....... their lives in one of the worst storms Britain had ever known.
• The whole incident highlighted how significant the media is to us and how inaccurate information can 6) ....... our lives. The MET Office has since updated its computer systems, so that they can detect approaching storms and bad weather in advance and give people 7) ....... warning. Although extreme storms are not very common in the United Kingdom, such events demonstrate the need to have efficient 8) ....... systems in place to keep people safe.