Asialiviaaviz Asialiviaaviz Język angielski Rozwiązane 2 Uzupełnij zdania 1-6 rzeczownikami.1 The door to the children's rooms are on the otherside of the h....... 2 Can you put the milk in the f...... before it gets too warm?3 We've only got one b..... in this house, so we have to wait if someone's taking a shower.4 Tim, please don't eat on the sofa, come and sit atthe d....... t...... like everyone else.5 I just love the photo you took of the cat,I need to buy a nice p......f.......... and put it on the wall6 Everytime I go to bed, I take a new bookwith me, my b.......t........ is covered in books,because I put them there before I fall asleep.Potrzebuje na szybko doje naj