Przeczytaj tekst. Odpowiedz na pytania 10.1.-10.3. zgodnie z treścią tekstu. Uzupelnij zdania, wpi- sując swoje odpowiedzi w luki. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku angielskim. The most famous Canadian writer is L.M Montgomery. One of her best-known book is "Anne of Green Gables", which tells the story of an ll year-old orphan giri adopted by a brother and sister (Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert). Ann is an energetic and imaginative girl, who is extremely unhappy about her appearance her hair is red and her face is covered in freckles. Nevertheless, both Marilla and Matthew are surprised by her intelligence. Her best friend is Diana Barry, the girl living next door. At sixteen, Anne goes to Queen's Academy in order to study to be a teacher, along with her main rival Gilbert Blythe. Thanks to her hard work, she is able to graduate from her studies in just one year, instead of the usual two and is also awarded a scholarship. When Matthew dies, Anne takes up teaching position at Avonlea School, which is a result of Gilbert's kindness. After this generous act, they become good friends. Since its publication, the book has sold more than 50 million copies, been translated into 36 languages and several adaptations for TV and the cinema have been produced. 10.1. Who was Anne brought up by? After her mum died, Anne 10.2. How old is Anne when she first appears in the book? When she first appears in the book, she 10.3. Where does Anne work after Matthew's death? Anne starts working