Pomozecie proszee do jutraa!
Z gory dziekuje

Pomozecie Proszee Do Jutraa Z Gory Dziekuje class=

Odpowiedź :


Hello everyone.

I'd like to talk with you about an endangered species of turtles. I found out from this article that many turtles are hurting because of straws and many plastic bags, that's why they're endangered species. Everyone, please help me save them. They need help and we can do that for them by cleaning up the ocean and the beach. On the 6th February, 9 am in the morning, people who want to join me, come see me in Warsaw, in the market. When we'll be all together, we can create more ideas to support those poor animals.

See you soon,



T/I znaczy Twoje Imię a jeśli chodzi o miejsce spotkania to wymyśliłam byle jakie, możesz to oczywiście zmienić, mam nadzieję że pomogłam :)