Pomocy proszę proszę to jest na jutro!
Wykonaj notatkę w j.angielskim o 2 zwierzętach podanych poniżej. (Gdzie żyją, jak się nazywają, jak wyglądają, ciekawostki.


Odpowiedź :


dziobak-The platypus is a water-mode animal, but it is also one of the strangest mammals. It is very rare to find it because it lives only in streams, lakes and ponds. They live mainly in Australia and Tasmania, but unfortunately there are less and less of them because they are and were exterminated.

pancernik-A battleship is an armored animal. There are only 20 species left in the world. It is a scale-armored animal that protects it against other animals and allows it to collapse and roll. Mainly inhabiting North and South America.

Mam nadzieję że jest dobrze ;)
