Napisz list z podziękowaniem do członka rodziny PO ANGIELSKU. Podziękuj za pieniądze, które dostałeś na urodziny i napisz co za nie kupiłeś. Opisz produkt, wyjaśnij gdzie go kupiłeś i dlaczego tam. Rozwiń wszystkie punkty. Każdy punkt w oddzielnym akapicie. 50-200 SŁÓW

Odpowiedź :

I got some money from my family for my birthday . It was 300$ in total , I was so happy . First thing I bought was 2 new hoodie that I saw 5 days before my birthday in champion store . That’s what I’m wearing right now , I really like it and is super comfortable. I needed new shoes too so I went back o Nike store and got some nice basketball shoes they were expensive but it worth it ! In day when I got that money I bought new headphones because mine were broken and I’m really happy with new ones , they are in color red and whit Bluetooth. And the rest of money I put inter box where I’m putting money to save . I’m really happy with all of my purchases , they are

Really useful for me and my parents liked them too .