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· Fame Performing Arts School
· New York City
· to 18 year olds
· state-funded
· extra classes in singing, drama, dance, mime
· future jobs (actors, mime artists, dancers, singer)

Opis tej szkoły

It’s lunch time at the Ravenscourt Theatre School in London. In the corridor some students are singing.
The Ravenscourt Theatre School is for boys and girls, 6 to 16 year olds, who want to work in film, theatre or music. The school is a private school. This means that the students pay to go there. The students have to work very hard. They study normal school subjects: English, Maths, Science, Art, History, Geography, French and IT. And they also study three performing arts subjects: drama, dance and singing.
Some of the students appear in films and West End London theatres while they are at school. It's hard work but they enjoy it.

Odpowiedź :


The Fame Performing Arts School is located in New York City. In The Fame Performing Arts School students is 18 year olds and this school is state-funded. There are extra classes in drama, singing, dance, mime. Students future jobs is actors, mime artists, dancers, singer.

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