1. My sister_______________ on a bus. 6. ______ is a doll with strings.
A. will travel A. mime
B. will travels B. puppet
C. will travell C. circus
D. will travells D. comedy

2. My friends____________ in the ocean. 7. _________________ to London?
A. won’t swimm A. Will you goes
B. won’t swiming B. Will she goes
C. won’t swim C. Will they goes
D. won’t swims D. Will you go
3. My parents_______________ a castle. 8. Zapytaj kolegę, czy możesz pozyczyć jego słownik.
A. will visits A. Would you like to get a new dictionary?
B. will visites B. Could you give me my dictionary?
C. will visit C. Can I borrow your dictionary?
D. will vissit D. Will you use your dictionary?
4. Powiedz, że chciałbyś pójść popływać. 9. ______ is a travelling group of performers.
A. I’d like to go swimming. A. fireworks
B. I will go swimming. B. circus
C. Can you go swimming? C. submarine
D. I can’t go swimming. D. prediction
5. _____ is someone who directs musicians in an orchestra. 10. Zaznacz poprawnie napisane zdanie:
A. choir A. I’ ll buys a new house.
B. composer B. Could you fetch my coat?
C. conductor C. Could I switch on the lights for me, please?
D. music stand D. She’ll watches a film tomorrow.

Odpowiedź :


1. My sister will travel on a bus. Puppet is a doll with strings.

2. My friends won't swim in the ocean. Will you go to London?

3. My parents will visit a castle. Can I borrow your dictionary?

4. I'd like to go swimming. Circus is a traveling group of performers.

5. Composer is someone who directs musicans in an orchestra. Could you fetch my coat?

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My sister will travel on a bus. Puppet is a doll with strings.

My friends won't swim in the ocean. Will you go to London?

My parents will visit a castle. Can I borrow your dictionary?

I'd like to go swimming. Circus is a traveling group of performers.

Composer is someone who directs musicans in an orchestra. Could you fetch my coat?